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recognition, etc.


tight. word. lit. (solo exhibition) roz steiner gallery, gcc, batavia, ny


the liminal (group show w. jasna bogdanovska and harry littel) main street arts, clifton springs, ny (february 2018)


the liminal selected for inclusion in the Photo Review's online showcase (october 2017)

the liminal (juried group show: topographies) midwest center for photography, wichita, ks (september 2017)

the liminal (juried group show) art & music library gallery, ur, ny (august 2017)

tight. word. lit. (w. melinda placko) double edged, cleveland print room (july 2017)



diptych (solo exhibition) gallery q and lumiere photo gallery, rochester, ny

tight. word. lit. selected as a "top ten finalist" of fresh 2016, klompching gallery, nyc

tight. word. lit. featured in online showcase as part of fresh 2016, klompching gallery, nyc


south african association of arts gallery (solo exhibition), cape town, south africa

portfolio reviews, workshops, etc.

FotoFest, Houston, 2016

cv / resume available on request

© 2015-present nigel maister all rights reserved

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